- เวอร์ชัน XF ที่เข้ากันได้
- 2.1
- 2.2
- 2.3
- ระยะเวลาการอัปเดต
- 12 Months ($10 Yearly renewal)
- การสร้างแบรนด์ที่มองเห็นได้
- ไม่
* Note: This addon has been acquired by XenForo and it will be officially suppored by them in XenForo 2.4!! It is no longer available for purchase. *
This addon enables "chunked uploads" in XenForo and allows you to set a virtually higher maximum upload limit up to 128GB regardless of your server configuration.Features
>300MB video file being uploaded
This addon enables "chunked uploads" in XenForo and allows you to set a virtually higher maximum upload limit up to 128GB regardless of your server configuration.Features
- Option to define the chunk size of each upload. This value cannot be higher than the maximum upload file size reported by your server.
- Option to define the number of simultaneous chunk uploads (up to 10)
- Virtually increase the maximum attachment size up to 128GB (see limitations below)
- Integrates seamlessly with the XenForo Attachment Manager
- Easily upload 4K video directly to your forum
- Easily bypass Cloudflare's 100MB upload limit
- Configure the addon under the Options > Attachments page.
- If you need to increase your maximum attachment file size, choose a conservative value and make some upload tests to decide if it's a file size that works for your server. Increase it or decrease depending of your test results.
- Attachment storage in either AWS S3 / DigitalOcean Spaces / Backblaze B2
- Swarmify integration for video transcoding and custom video player that matches your forum style
- Chunked Upload license for one forum for 1GB+ video uploads.
- If you upload very large files, it may take several minutes and server memory to rebuild the attachment from the chunks. Increase those server settings as needed if you experience timeouts or server errors. Otherwise, decrease your maximum file size setting.
- If you use an external service to store files, it will take a considerable extra amount of time to finish the uploading process. Increase your PHP and server maximum timeouts or adjust your maximum file size if you experience timeout errors.
- If you use Cloudflare or other CDN providers, take into account the timeout limits imposed by them. Cloudflare has a hard timeout limit of 100 seconds. This means that if the final upload process takes more than 100 seconds, including rebuilding the attachment from the file chunks and sending it to S3 or Spaces if applicable, the process will timeout and you will get an error. However, your server might be able to finish the uploading process successfully in the background and you'll be able to see the uploaded file if you refresh your browser a few minutes later. Adjust your max file size settings accordingly to avoid errors.
- This addon does not work when pasting files directly into the text area or when uploading avatars. The regular uploading process is used in those occasions.
- For this addon to work with third party addons, those addons should integrate with the XenForo Attachment Manager.

- ทรัพยากรที่เกี่ยวข้อง
Using DigitalOcean Spaces or Amazon S3 for file storage in XF 2.1 & XF 2.2
XenForo Version Compatibility The download is only compatible with XenForo 2.1 and XenForo 2.2. XenForo 2.3 is supported by following the guide but the download attached to this resource is no longer required. Why this guide? Since XenForo...