I would like to announce that vBulletin 4.0.4 Maintenance Release of vBulletin Publishing Suite and vBulletin Forum is available. If you have an active vBulletin license, you can download your copy of 4.0.4 from the vBulletin Members Area at: http://members.vbulletin.com
4.0.4 fixes over 500 bugs since the release of 4.0.3.
Bug fixes
Added features:
Requires reverts
[#VBIV-7415] Member Blogs header wider than and overlaps content block - vBulletin JIRA
[#VBIV-7399] Profile page styling issues with title widths vs content widths - vBulletin JIRA
As always, thank you to everyone who has filed bugs in our bug tracker, we sincerely appreciate your assistance - and we hope with this release that we have addressed a large number of the bugs that you have raised.
If you come across any bugs in the product, please continue to file them in our new tracker.
4.0.4 fixes over 500 bugs since the release of 4.0.3.
Bug fixes
Added features:
- Facebook Open Graph implementation
This incorporates using Facebook's updated integration
Allows publishing to facebook
Expands the amount of information you can collect from a user at signon - Facebook "like" button for forum threads, blog entries and articles in the CMS
- vBulletin Style Generator
- 2 new CMS content types
- 2 new CMS widgets
"Category Navigation for Current Section"
"Recent Content" - Resizing images as a stylevar - this will enable you to resize images that are posted as they appear in the end users browser
- A number of RTL bugs,
- A number of Internet Explorer specific bugs
- CMS bugs
- Widget bugs
Please check the Full list of bugs for more details
- vbcms_widget_categorynavcurrent_config
- vbcms_widget_categorynavcurrent_page
Requires reverts
- album.css
- assetmanager_thumbview
- block_blogentries
- block_cmsarticles
- block_threads
- blog_calendar_sidebar
- blog_cp_manage_subscriptions_entry
- blog_entry
- blog_entry_ignore
- blog_list_entries
- blog_rules
- blog_search_results_result
- blog_sidebar_generic
- blog_sidebar_user
- blog_tag_cloud_box
- calendar_month_day_other
- calendar_showeventsbit
- calendar_weekly_event
- editor.css
- editor_toolbar_on
- facebook_associate
- facebook_disassociate
- facebook_importregister
- modifyconnections
- modifyuserlist_confirm
- newpost_html
- newreply
- picture.css
- picturecomment_message_deleted
- picturecomment_message_global_ignored
- picturecomment_message_ignored
- pm_popup_script
- postbit
- postbit.css
- postbit_attachmentmoderated
- postbit_legacy
- register
- Register.css
- replacement-vbulletin-ie.css
- search.css
- search_common
- search_input_searchtypes
- search_results_forum
- search_results_postbit
- showthread
- showthread_quickreply
- Socialgroup.css
- socialgroups_discussionview
- socialgroups_picture
- usercp.css
- usercp_newvisitormessagebit
- vbcms.css
- vbcms_searchresult_article
- vbcms_searchresult_blogcomment
- vbcms_searchresult_blogentry
- vbcms_searchresult_post
- vbcms_searchresult_socialgroup
- vbcms_searchresult_socialgroupmessage
- vbcms_searchresult_staticpage
- vbcms_searchresult_thread
- vbcms_widget_categorynav_page
- vbcms_widget_categorynavall_page
- vbcms_widget_categorynavbu_page
- vbcms_widget_recentblog_config
- vbcms_widget_recentblogcomments_config
- vbcms_widget_recentcontent_page
- vbcms_widget_sectionnavext_page
- vbulletin-chrome.css
- vbulletin-formcontrols.css
- All Templates with CSS - templates that contain:
- assetmanager
- assetmanager.css
- blog.css
- blog_blog_row
- blog_cp_manage_custompage
- blog_cp_manage_custompage_bit
- blog_cp_manage_usercss
- blog_cp_modify_profile
- blog_member_block
- blog_member_css
- calendar_edit
- calendar_monthly
- editor_upload_overlay
- editor_video_overlay
- forumdisplay.css
- forumhome.css
- forumhome_lastpostby
- headinclude
- lightbox.css
- member.css
- memberinfo_block_aboutme
- memberinfo_block_contactinfo
- memberinfo_block_friends_mini
- memberinfo_block_groups
- memberinfo_block_visitormessaging
- memberinfo_deletemessages
- memberlist.css
- moderation_deleteattachments
- modifybuddylist
- modifysignature
- navbar
- page
- pm_filter
- pm_messagelist
- pm_quickreply
- poll.css
- popup.css
- popupmenu.css
- postbit_quickedit
- postlist.css
- printthread
- printthread.css
- private.css
- search_results_socialgroup
- search_results_socialgroup_discussion
- search_results_visitormessage
- search_threadbit
- Showgroup.css
- showthread.css
- socialgroups_grouplist_bit
- socialgroups_overview
- socialgroups_picture_editbit
- socialgroups_subscribe_group
- socialgroups-overview.css
- tag_cloud_page
- tag_edit
- threadadmin_easyspam_confirm
- threadadmin_easyspam_infraction
- threadadmin_imod_menu_thread
- threadadmin_mergethreads
- threadadmin_movethread
- threadadmin_movethreads
- threadbit
- threadbit_announcement
- userinfraction
- vbcms_article_editor
- vbcms_content_article_inline
- vbcms_content_article_page
- vbcms_content_article_preview
- vbcms_content_phpeval_inline
- vbcms_content_staticpage_inline
- vbcms_edit_categorybit
- vbcms_edit_publisher
- vbcms_editor_toolbar_on
- vbcms_page
- vbcms_postbit_legacy
- vbcms_searchresult_article_general
- vbcms_toolbar
- vbcms_toolbar_original
- vbcms_widget_calendar_config
- vbcms_widget_calendar_page
- vbcms_widget_categorycurrent_page
- vbcms_widget_categorynav_config
- vbcms_widget_categorynavall_config
- vbcms_widget_execphp_page
- vbcms_widget_myfriends_config
- vbcms_widget_newarticles_page
- vbcms_widget_poll_config
- vbcms_widget_poll_page
- vbcms_widget_recent_config
- vbcms_widget_recentarticle_config
- vbcms_widget_recentarticle_page
- vbcms_widget_recentblog_page
- vbcms_widget_recentblogcomments_page
- vbcms_widget_recentblogposts_page
- vbcms_widget_recentcmscomments_config
- vbcms_widget_recentcmscomments_page
- vbcms_widget_recentcontent_config
- vbcms_widget_recentforumposts_page
- vbcms_widget_recentposts_config
- vbcms_widget_recentposts_page
- vbcms_widget_recentthreads_config
- vbcms_widget_recentthreads_page
- vbcms_widget_rss_config
- vbcms_widget_rss_page
- vbcms_widget_searchwidget_config
- vbcms_widget_sectionnav_config
- vbcms_widget_sectionnavext_config
- vbcms_widget_static_config
- vbcms_widget_static_page
- vbulletin.css
- whoisonline_bit
- whosonline.css
- whosonlinebit
- yuiupload.css
[#VBIV-7415] Member Blogs header wider than and overlaps content block - vBulletin JIRA
[#VBIV-7399] Profile page styling issues with title widths vs content widths - vBulletin JIRA
As always, thank you to everyone who has filed bugs in our bug tracker, we sincerely appreciate your assistance - and we hope with this release that we have addressed a large number of the bugs that you have raised.
If you come across any bugs in the product, please continue to file them in our new tracker.