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vBulletin Mobile Suite 2.7 Changes Mobile Suite 2.7 is available to be built via the Mobile Publisher. Mobile Suite 2.7 adds support for Group Channels and content.Group Support Mobile Suite 2.7 supports the participation in vBulletin's Group channels. Users can create new topics, replies, and comments within existing groups. Group Owners/Moderators can moderate content from within the apps.Resolved IssuesAdded a setting to request account deletion Search - The blank page with no data appears on the search results page. Some text not translated to Spanish in Apps Improved the Share feature Blogs Page- Clicking on avatar should open the correct user profile Moderation - Error message popups during operations multiple replies. Add...
vBulletin Connect 5.6.6 is available for download. vBulletin 5.6.6 is available for all download customers. vBulletin Cloud customers will be automatically scheduled to be upgraded soon. vBulletin Cloud customers will be emailed before their site upgrade starts.Front End Changes Photo Gallery When uploading images to a Photo Gallery topic, users can now enter a title for each image as well as the image description. This will enhance the searchability of images within these topics.User Name Cards To facilitate upcoming functionality, a new optional name card can be shown when clicking or tapping on a user's name in most locations throughout the system. The name card currently shows the user's name, avatar, a link to their profile...
vBulletin 5.6.5 Changes and Updates vBulletin 5.6.5 is now available for download. vBulletin Cloud sites will be scheduled for automatic updates in the coming days.Front End Changes Answered Topics Topics can now be marked as "Answered." This is a special status applied to a specific post within the topic. The post that is marked as the Answer will be highlighted and show directly under the starting post in the topic. The ability to mark posts as the Answer in a topic is controlled by permissions. There are three different permissions to control this. Usergroup and Channel Permissions both support the "Can Set Answer" permission. Within Channel Permissions, there is also a "Can Set Answer on Own Topics" permission. The last permission...
vBulletin Mobile Suite 2.6 Changes Mobile Suite 2.6 is available to be built via the Mobile Publisher. We have included bundle builds, which are required and only used for new apps on the Google Play Store. For updates to existing apps, please continue to use the included apk builds. For iOS Builds, the Apps have been updated to XCODE 12.Resolved IssuesImages & Attachements disappear in app built with Xcode 12 List Private Messages as Threads Images uploaded via Android doesn’t display on Android app Upload attachments to messages Android Version Code is hitting the limit of Max INT Push Notifications - The first private message cannot be loaded successfully New PM push notification should open in message thread My Profile Page -...
A security issue has been reported to the vBulletin team. To fix this issue, we have created a new security patch.You can download the patch for your version in the Member's AreaWe have made patches available for the following versions of vBulletin Connect:5.6.4 PL1 5.6.3 PL1 5.6.2 PL2Installing the Patch For the best results with your vBulletin site, it is recommended to upgrade to vBulletin 5.6.4 PL1 if you are not using 5.6.4 currently.Download the appropriate files for your version of vBulletin 5.6.X Upload all files found within the zip file to your server. Make sure to overwrite the existing files on your server. Run the upgrade scripts included in the patch on your server. (/core/install/upgrade.php) When the upgrade...
vBulletin 5.6.4 is now available for download. vBulletin Cloud customers will be updated automatically in the upcoming days. Front End Changes Lightbox The attachment system now uses the Lightbox display for all image content uploaded to the server. If the user has permission to view image thumbnails but not Images, then the lightbox will only show thumbnails. When clicking on the "More Photos" link in a Photo Gallery, the lightbox will be displayed appropriately. In addition to this, the code for the lightbox has been updated and had several fixes applied. These fixes should allow for more accurate scrolling and the ability to select the last image in the list correctly. Photos Tab The Topic display now includes a Photos tab. This tab...
vBulletin 5.6.3 Changes and Updates vBulletin 5.6.3 now available for download customers. Cloud customers will be automatically upgraded in the coming weeks.Front End Changes Censored Word Handling The handling of administrator-defined censoring has been refactored and applies to more locations now. With vBulletin 5, word censorship is applied on display and not save. This provides the benefit of maintaining the actual words. For example, if you remove a word from the censor list, it can be recovered in the content. In the past, several locations of word censorship were not appropriately handled. Words are now censored correctly in the following areas:Topic Titles. Topic URLs. Post content, including replies and comments. Search...

กรุณาปิด โปรแกรมบล๊อกโฆษณา เพราะเราอยู่ได้ด้วยโฆษณาที่ท่านเห็น
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