iC@fe เพิ่มไฟล์ใหม่:
[ShikiSuen] CSCN Anniversary theme (Free Standalone Version) - CSCN Anniversary theme (Standalone Version, no framework needed.)
[ShikiSuen] CSCN Anniversary theme (Free Standalone Version) - CSCN Anniversary theme (Standalone Version, no framework needed.)
WARNING: The version provided on this page since v2.2.13a only works with XenForo 2.2.13 and later. For XF 2.2.12 and earlier XF 2.2.x releases, please check this post to download the v2.2.12b of this style.
To users of XF 2.2.14 and above: Please try "automatic merge" if prompted template conflicts after the XF upgrade from 2.2.13 version. Comment...