กรุณาปิด โปรแกรมบล๊อกโฆษณา เพราะเราอยู่ได้ด้วยโฆษณาที่ท่านเห็น
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[XenGenTr] Forum statistics system english full

addon 2.x [XenGenTr] Forum statistics system english full 4.0.5



iC@fe เพิ่มไฟล์ใหม่:

[XenGenTr] Forum statistics system - Write special warnings on the forum, manage...

[XenGenTr] Forum statistics system
You have already used a different version of this statistic. I am happy to release the new version with some requests and the necessary changes.

This Modiffy not want English patch

ดูไฟล์แนบ 2175

[XenGenTr] statistics - Technical specifications
  • It is a widget system with Tamami.
  • New, recent messages.
  • New issues...


กรุณาปิด โปรแกรมบล๊อกโฆษณา เพราะเราอยู่ได้ด้วยโฆษณาที่ท่านเห็น
Please close the adblock program. Because we can live with the ads you see

iC@fe อัปเดต [XenGenTr] Forum statistics system english full ด้วยรายการอัปเดตใหม่:


[XenGenTr] Forum statistics 📊 system V4

🥳 Innovations;
✅ All options have been moved to the theme properties area, now you can turn on or off areas specific to your theme.
✅ Now, the block size has been limited so that there is no block that grows with the number of your topics, and more ✅ more topics will be accessed with the sroll bar.
✅ Includes many options added for theme compatibility.
✅ Two new positions have been made as below and above the breadcrumbs.
✅ It has been given a more...

iC@fe อัปเดต [XenGenTr] Forum statistics system english full ด้วยรายการอัปเดตใหม่:

4.0.3 update

4.0.3 Update content;
- Statistics display positions have been added to the theme properties area for themes custom settings. In this way, it will now be possible to display in different positions in each theme.
- The theme properties area has been divided into 2 and put into a more understandable pattern in terms of options and design.
- Template updates and renewals have been made.
- Improvements in the Less structure, the errors seen have been fixed.
- Less structure has been restructured...



กรุณาปิด โปรแกรมบล๊อกโฆษณา เพราะเราอยู่ได้ด้วยโฆษณาที่ท่านเห็น
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